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Round 2 Elevate Together Cash Grant Now Open Apply Today

The deadline to apply is Friday, June 17, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET. for your members to apply.

ELEVATE TOGETHER™ powered by Round It Up America® 是一项旨在解决黑人和西班牙裔bet5365亚洲在商业增长和盈利能力方面的系统性歧视和历史种族差异的非营利倡议.

The Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce is proud to partner with the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Office Depot  为全职员工少于5人的小型企业提供资助机会.

这是第二轮削减拨款和 Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce 美国有几个商会向拉丁裔提供这种资助机会吗 & Black Small Business. Other cities include Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, South Florida, and has expanded to Phoenix, Fort Worth, Detroit and Minneapolis. 

Grant Criteria to qualify:

  • Business Certifications:
  • Licensed (if applicable)
  • 在税务局和国税局注册
  • 如果适用,也在国务院注册
  • 根据SBA规模标准,被认为是小型企业.
  • In "good standing" with respective state.
  • 参加小型商业教育研讨会或与西班牙商会或L.A. Latino Chamber.
  • In business at least the last 9 months.
  • Between 1-5 employees
  • 至少51%由少数人拥有、经营和控制.
  • 少数群体成员是指至少51%是黑人或西班牙裔的个人.
  • Ownership, in the case of a publicly-owned business, 指这两个少数群体成员中的一个或多个拥有至少51%的股份.
  • 业主必须年满21岁,并且是美国48个相邻州之一的合法居民, the District of Columbia, Alaska or Hawaii.
  • 业务必须在大洛杉矶地区.
  • 企业必须提供资金使用计划.*
  • 企业必须提供一个60秒的视频介绍自己和他们的业务,为什么他们申请赠款.*
  • 成为“信誉良好”的LALCC成员.**
  • 如果被选中,在获得资助之前,与Venture mentoring Team进行3次辅导.*
  • FAQ list is below.

LALCC将直接向选定的企业主提供三至六笔现金资助,一般资助金额为$5,000 - $10,000 per business.

Application -


June 17, 提交申请和视频的最后一天.

June 20 - 24,提升委员会审查申请和选择奖助金受助人.

July 1 - 8,  Grant recipients will be notified by LALCC.

Within a week, 现金资助接受者将收到一封贺信,信中注明与Venture Mentoring Team进行导师培训的日期和时间,并收到Elevate Together工具包. The 创业指导团队将为“一起提升”现金赠款接受者举办导师培训. 

July 18 – 22,“一起提升”现金奖助金受助人辅导课程开始

November 19,现金奖助金接受者完成三个辅导课程的截止日期

只有LALCC成员才会被考虑获得这项补助金. If you are not a member, visit us at 如果有问题,请联系运营总监奥利维亚·里奥斯 & Program at (213) 422-9019 or email at


**Membership and EIN #'s will be verified.

Dates are subject to change.


How Elevate TogetherTM provides Support


  • Technical assistance (workshops, training, bootcamps, 由全国城市联盟和美国西班牙裔商会在当地市场的分支机构提供的一对一咨询
  • Certified small business mentor from The Venture Mentoring Team
  • 一起提升大学-小型企业工作坊(会计), finance, marketing, supplier development, IT, 法律)由Elevate Together公司合作伙伴提供


  • 提供专业网络和平台的接入
  • 帮助增加不同供应商的渠道
  • 增加少数族裔小企业主通过非传统贷款渠道获得的资金额


  • 向少数族裔小企业主提供现金补助
  • Donation of in-kind products and services (copy and print services; tech products and services; office/home office furniture furnishings; business services; office supplies)

Frequently Asked Questions 




参与“共同提升”计划的拉美裔小企业主将接受短期和/或长期的教育和培训, 由当地bet5365亚洲伙伴提供的指导和咨询服务. 一些企业也可能有资格从该倡议中获得现金赠款或实物产品和服务.


Elevate Together将在亚特兰大、芝加哥、洛杉矶、费城和南佛罗里达推出. 该计划最终将扩展到美国的其他地理位置.

For more information visit

The Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce (LALCC)共同提升委员会已经选出了六家拉丁裔小企业,这些小企业将被授予 Elevate Together Cash Grant of $5,000.00.

Congratulations to Rigoberto Santos at Santos & Santos ConstructionMiguel Cuevas at IT System Solutions, Inc, Elizabeth Ruvalcaba Mendez and Rosa Maria Ruvalcaba at ALAS MediaGabriela Gonzalez at Gonzalez Family Child CareRalph Salazar at Ovation-Scientific, and Luis Arandia at Arandia Designs, LLC

该奖项的获得者还将获得来自 The Venture Mentoring Team to elevate their businesses. 这些导师将与每家企业合作,帮助它们扩大规模,提供培训和指导.

We also have great news!  Through out partnership with the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) and Elevate Together, the LALCC will be offering the Elevate Together Grant Round 2 during the summer. 申请日期一经确定,我们将尽快与大家分享. 我们强烈建议你在那个时候申请.

To learn more about visit

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